[QBS] QBS not compiling with our compiled Qt version

olivier musse olivier.musse at sfr.fr
Fri Oct 17 12:21:12 CEST 2014

Hi Christian,

It's a big issue on our side since we have many different versions of Qt 
we have compiled and not having the .prl files well filed in.
At this point, after our last QBS upgrade, we can no more compile and so 
distribute any new version of our products to our customers.
So please, as a first step help, may you tell me which .prl files are 
analyzed by QBS and what is used inside so that I can generate them 

Many thanks in advance for you previous help.



> Hi Christian,
> Yes we do a make install. To be more precise here are the steps:
> - download and uncompress qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.3.2.zip
> - uncompress jom 1.0.14 (get on official web site)
> - use x86 vs2013 command line tools
> - configure -commercial -target xp -opengl desktop -confirm-license
> -no-icu -no-vcproj -nomake examples -nomake tests
> - jom && jom install
> We have done that so many times, with nmake or jom and finally found
> (looking in all version we compiled in the past) that .prl files are
> always empty. This is really strange.
> Thanks for you efficient and quick help.
> Olivier
>> On 10/16/2014 03:18 PM, olivier musse wrote:
>>> We got an issue with QBS last version (1.3.2) really similar to
>>> https://snusmumriken.qtproject.c.bitbit.net/browse/QBS-689 but while
>>> using Qt 5.3.2.
>>> We finally found the reason of the issue since it only appears in a Qt
>>> version we compiled ourself and not in the official one (commercial
>>> version).
>>> It comes from the fact that .prl files in our compiled version are
>>> empty.
>> That must never happen. The Qt build is probably incomplete, for
>> instance because you forgot to run make install. If you are sure that's
>> not the case, please provide detailed instructions about how you built
>> this Qt.
>> Christian
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